God yeh, it's just bullshit. You know what else I'd like to see? An analysis of the people that would ALSO hold responsibilities, cos from where I'm sitting, nobody seems to be looking past the shiny light-reflecting head of Luxon into the dark cesspit of scary creeps behind. Have you heard Mark Mitchell??? Yes, the freaking mercenary. Judith stab-you-in-the-back Collins, Chris Bishop of the undermining integrity variety, Simeon I'm-afraid-of-potholes-and-women Brown, etc, etc. I can't imagine any of them capable of anything close to serving the public good. It would be embarrassing, harrowing and depressing at how far back they would regress. I'm so depressed. And frightened

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Well said. That’s how I feel too. Mainstream media has proved pretty hopeless at real analysis. Sometimes I feel like I’m alone in my dark thoughts but you have captured some of what is lined up behind Luxon. And then there’s Seymour’s mob. And, god forbid, Winston.

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Yes, this needs to be said, often.

We have had a sustained disinformation campaign from National for well over the last year.

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It happened in an orchestrated way against Ardern. She sidestepped and that campaign fell flat. Then 3 waters - same thing. The campaign drowned. Then Kiri Al and a policeman helped them get lucky. Her pal Mekka made it worse in Tairaawhiti and that must be a bell weather

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YES. This has been infuriating me.

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It needs to be made plain to as many people as possible that election by right-wing media is becoming an unpleasant characteristic in New Zealand and most other supposed democracies. The garbage being offered by National, ACT and the increasingly vile New Zealand First needs to be questioned at all opportunities. As I've commented wherever possible, people need to go to sites like this one (https://policy.nz/2023) that show parties' actual policies in an unbiased manner over a range of topics. The sheer awfulness of some of them (especially ACT and New Zealand First) ought to be enough to put most undecided voters right off allowing the country to be governed (or more likely neglected) by this ghastly alliance, but they probably won't look.

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NZ politicians are soooooooo cringe. I watched the news last night for the first time in years and they all made me feel nauseous.

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Thank you for going behind the paywall so we didn’t have to. I keep getting served ACT ads left, right and centre (or more like right, far right and an off the charts moral black hole), do they have so much money to throw around they’re targeting anyone with an nz ISP?

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I would like to see Keiran McNulty debate with Luxon.

Bet you that ‘ole grabaseat’ would have a melt down on air.

It could be like the ‘Jacinda Effect’ only with blood on the floor.

If we want to beat these lying cheating dishonest bastards the gloves must come off.

There is too much at stake and losing the battle is not an option.

We owe it to the disadvantaged and disregarded who are in for a hiding from the right if the Nacts prevail.

Kick it in the guts Fred.

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Sep 21, 2023
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"But I used to run an airline"

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