I’m off to ghost! It’s taken me about 8 months *no shit* to manage the admin, my own lack of time and capacity being the barrier - Ghost staff have been incredible with the migration, I’ve got a thread 49 messages long with two staff members going back months deliberating their stance and position and unpacking the fuckery. It is a no brainer for me. Yes! free speech and responsibility is an issue whatever platform we are on, but I have to draw the line at the revenue and capital - when they are making money off that disgusting vile hate then I can’t stick around, just no.

Thanks for this article (haven’t even read yet but I’m bracing myself!) my ghost site is ready here nadineannehura.com but I haven’t yet worked out how to turn of Substack subs, so haven’t been able to announce or share. I’m very nearly there tho, hopefully next week. Phew.

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Kia ora Nadine, good move IMO. I hope it works out for you! I'm going to hit up some of my tech friends about the details of migrating paid subs to other platforms - to the best of my knowledge (which is limited!) this aspect is managed by Stripe rather than by Substack directly, and so you should be able to take paid subs with you if you leave Substack. I'll report back.

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I can take them - the paid subs I mean. There’s a process involved - Ghost runs a script on the stripe side. It’s quite involved and requires brain space that I don’t have heaps of right now but I’m getting there!

Heaps of other advantages to moving to ghost I’ve discovered tho and I’m looking forward to it. Haven’t felt comfortable with Substack in ages. You’ll probably be much faster moving than I was!!

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The payment migration can be really tough as often the contracts with the payment gateways don’t let you take the payment details of the users with you if you need to change payment providers. Glad you got it sorted Nadine and will see you on Ghost.

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Arohanui Nadine let’s catch up and korero kare x x

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It's just so frustrating to have to yet again jump ship to another platform, both as an sporadic newsletter sender and a daily newsletter reader. Having them all in a single app outside of my inbox has been so good for keeping my reading and working separate, the interface is good, I love the things I've learned and discovered. But I do hate Nazis so... If we are going, we are going.

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Thanks for drawing more attention to this Josh. I avoid other social media, read subs via email, and only dip into occasional chats, so I've been able to keep my Substack experience inside a protective bubble, and only grow it to include those who have earned their place inside.

Likewise, it was an easy place to start writing from scratch for me.

But I've also been aware of some filth swirling around, just in the outside of my safe space, and I'm 100% with you that this is Substack management's time to live up to the ideals they sold us on at the beginning. Or admit they are no better than the greedy and grubby noise they promised to replace.

I've found good communities here in my bubble, and moving would be harder because of that. But, even inside my bubble, I have no desire to float in a sea of shit.

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Thanks for this e hoa - I’ve been writing without enabling paid subs so will also up and leave if need be! Ghost is one of the first platforms I used for writing a good few years ago now, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s changed!

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Good on you Josh for exposing and initiating change.

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I think at this point I’m going to stick to offline publishing. The internet was a mistake

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