This is blistering and depressingly true. So many opportunities squandered. So much to lose.

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Wow Josh, don't save this writing for another three years - your political insight is telling. Would also like to see the connection between politics and media discussion that was had over at Webworm come to its fruition. Stunning stuff.

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This is so on point that I have emailed it to the PM. Who am I to email the PM? No-one, but I think it would be amazing if someone in the Labour hierarchy actually stopped and read this. I am so without hope this election, but I will vote as if the planet depends on it.

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So good! So grim!

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grim isn’t my middle name but maybe it should be

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This, this is the best articulation of why I have a feeling of dread in my bones. I despise the neoliberal organisations mentioned here and the acceptance that their way of measuring the world is the only way - and yet I find myself referring to them in order to disprove National’s assertion that the economy is in the toilet. There’s a worldwide recession happening for ‘reasons’ (too numerous to mention here) and by OECD, IMF, World Bank standards NZ is punching way above its weight and yet everything is Labour’s fault. Also, as I’m venting (sorry) why is no one talking about this wave of neo-fascism/fascism that is moving round the globe like a slow motion car crash. When students of history (assuming studying history is still a thing - which it should be) wonder how we ended up with a fascist ‘western’ world, they will be shocked that we did not see this happening. Which brings me round to the period of post war economic history when the Americans decided that neo-liberal economic policies would the yardstick for measuring countries ‘success’. Bretton Woods, Reagan and Thatcher - we are still paying the price. I will be sharing the shit out of this article as it is compelling and really well documented. Thank you so much.

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Yes! Yes! Yes! You’ve put all of this so well. I’ve always been a leftie, but as time goes on I’m becoming even more left leaning. I started studying this year and one of my papers is about identity and belonging in NZ. We’ve recently been learning about NZ’s collective identity stories, like being nuclear free, clean and green, or egalitarian, and have been confronting how inaccurate those identities can be and how they can serve to maintain the status quo. We might be nuclear free in principle but we’re still in alliance and share intelligence with countries prepared to use nuclear weapons as part of their defence strategy, which could be viewed as an endorsement. It’s becoming clear we are not clean or green. And we have never been egalitarian. As you say, we are neoliberal, free market competition above everything else, and we rely on a certain level of unemployment to keep labour costs down. I wish more people knew all of this stuff and saw the value in protecting people over markets. But inequality erodes empathy, and I don’t know how we change that. The world feels like a harsh and scary place right now.

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I marched with little children to vote for Lange and Labour's nuclear free free NZ.. Talk to other nuclear free activists,we're mostly in our 60s and 70s, to find out how hard we worked and how elated we felt.

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Thank you 😊 I recently read Maire Leadbeater’s book about the campaign for nuclear disarmament. It sounds like a truly amazing time of activism, and I can only imagine how it would’ve felt to participate in such a sustained campaign and to ultimately have all of that work recognised and legitimated by NZ leaders.

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Couldn’t have agreed or articulated my thoughts better Josh.

It feels like this election is just Lunch-lady Doris serving up two main courses options that are both shit sandwiches but with different sides.

I honestly stood at the Kamo Bowling Club voting booth yesterday for a good 60s staring at the voting sheet still wondering which of these options has the least amount of dump attached to them. I spotted The Leighton Baker Party...... What the flying fuck? The amount of horrific hard-right fringe groups on there was and is deeply concerning.

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So we'll written Josh. I found myself shouting 'fuck yeah' and 'oh my god' several times. Love Naomi Klein too. Sharing sharing

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WELL written

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Oh my god so so good. Articulates (which I’ve been unable to do sufficiently) exactly how I’m feeling Sharing immediately. Thanks Josh wonderful writing! More please 🙏

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Great piece but I had to side-eye your characterization of Labour as left. They aren't left. They're center-right, just on the left side of National.

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Really great stuff Josh (hilariously and annoyingly, I have many of the same points scheduled for next newsletter, but I swear, I'm not copying! 🤣)

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Yes to all this.I am so disappointed with Labour who in my opinion try to be all things to all people,squandering the trust of their core supporters by trying to appease farmers,landlords,etc who would never vote for them anyway.It’s the same stupidity every time.They had the biggest chance to change NZ to a more just society,but just pissed it up against the wall🤯

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Great and depressing summary!

Also every time I see “Stop! 3 Waters” I hear MC Hammer. It does not make sense!

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Me too! I keep wanting to write “Time!” at the end of the signs but the homeowners might have guns.

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What a great piece. Depressing, but great. Thanks Josh

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Powerful and a great ending, sums up the stalemate loop our country seems to be stuck in so well- thanks for sharing! I’m very comfortable with my decision to vote for a smaller party the past couple of elections. What else changes if we don’t?

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Yes Josh, this! Equal parts satisfying and painful reading

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