Great work Josh! I’m sure that Stuff wouldn’t regurgitate press releases from the likes of Socialist Aotearoa, but they somehow feel that there’s no problem in doing the same for obvious astroturf orgs like the TPU 🙄

Good on you for calling them out on that sneaky bullshit.

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Well said Josh. Our media have a great deal to answer for in supporting right-wing lobbyists, and giving endless space to 'opinion pieces' that almost always seem to be written by people who used to work for the National Party (or in some cases still do). Doesn't feel like unbiased reporting, somehow...

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Either worked for the nats or are convicted fraudsters e.g. one of their current columnists.

I use my $ to support several writers on substack, having given up on the clickbait driven msm.

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The thing that annoys me the most about their response is the double space after the full stop. Fuck. Them.

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Platforming the right-wing lobby group is one thing but an unprompted double space? Unforgivable.

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Ooh. That was a goodn Josh. The clarity of writing felt like a reflection of a man who's brain is well rested and razor sharp. Love it. The time for letting them carry on with their b.s. stops now 👏👏

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That's very kind of you. I spent the last week with a raging strep throat and I'm just about over it so make of that what you will.

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Ah! Then I would say you wrote what you were otherwise unable to 'voice'. Hope you feel better soon but the clarity and heat continues!

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100% nailed it. Especially *THIS* bit:

"It’s amazing, really: journalists hound politicians endlessly (as they should!) to just Answer The Question, but when it’s them on the hook they provide weasel words that’d do any politician proud, and then evaporate into the ether."

That is why Stuff will not get a cent from me.

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Really important piece. Thanks Josh.

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"Infometrics chief forecaster Gareth Kiernan said he would expect roles in larger councils to be paid more than equivalent roles in smaller councils, particularly at the higher levels."

As an employee in a small/medium council, the issue with this statement is that, in order to attract expertise in specialist areas such as roading, engineering, building regulation and compliance, and water services and infrastructure, a higher salary is required to get people to consider leaving a similarly high-paying job and relocate here.

Methinks Gareth Kiernan should get out of the city more.

Also, as pointed out when this propaganda was printed in Stuffed, $100k is not a big figure any longer. Its contemporary comparison is in the order of $200k - 250k.

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Brilliant, this article is a public service!

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Not just the so-called Taxpayers Union. There is also the very regular opinion pieces from the Business Roundtable (aka NZ Initiative) and the 'neutral' senior political commentator, a former researcher for an Australian member of the Atlas Foundation the Centre for Independent Studies.

Has anyone at Stuff heard of the book Dirty Politics? Has anyone there ever read it?

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I expect they were probably mostly at primary school when it was published.

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Not really a fair comment. Youth really doesn't have much to do with it. Plenty of the younger journos in NZ are incredibly clued up on both political history and ethics.

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We'll have to agree to disagree! Having worked with younger journos in telly in Wellington, this was not a strong suit

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I guess my point is to say not *all* young journalists, but I haven't worked with them at the frontlines - I just know some by reputation, and I suppose there's a filter effect where I tend to notice only the very good or the very bad ones.

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This (2008) is worth another look. Many 2023 parallels. “Back on track” Mark 1. Even some of the same characters. Scary. https://www.nzonscreen.com/title/the-hollow-men-2008?t=0s&fbclid=IwAR3mUzsrn18RzHlqEL59jsrVoU_qCmhvd5CJBuzom9aKWcehk2h3lyVEOgg

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Thank you for spending the time and energy to follow that radioactive bread crumb trail. Your work exposing these lobby groups is so important.

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Great ‘stuff’ JD. Keep that spade sharp.

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Great piece Josh, thank you for chasing those who are chasing click bait articles.

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Excellent squirrelling Josh. Much appreciated for exposing the Taxpayers Union for what it is: a propaganda machine for neoliberalism

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Yes to All this 😳I have considered paying for Stuff,but I’ve come to realise they are just shills for the usual vermin.

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I'm about to cancel my Stuff subscription

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I was very concerned about the main stream media’s reporting and headlining of The Taxpayer Union’s polls before the election. No inquiry into who the TPU represented or why their polls should indicate anything other than their own preference for government.

My email below to Stuff - which I had hoped would improve journalism and in depth investigation in NZ.

Please tell me how to cancel my stuff supporter payment.

I am not happy with the relationship between stuff and the Taxpayers Union as described by Josh Drummond. Please answer his inquiries in more depth.

Barbara Insull

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